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Please enter your username and password for M1401-90-SP25 below:

Login Info

Login Instruction for WebWorK via D2L (Spring 2021):

For complete course information, lecture notes, etc., please see your Desire2Learn (D2L) course page.

Before you can login here, you must activate your WeBWorK account for this course/semester (even if you have done so in a different course). You need only do this once (for each WebWorK section link, or each WebWorK assignment link if your professor links to individual WebWorK assignments in D2L):

  1. Click this link (opens in a new tab/window).
  2. If prompted, login to D2L with your CSU username/password.
  3. In D2L, go to the home page of this course.
  4. In D2L, select "Content" from the top menu.
  5. In D2L, under the "Table of Contents", find the folder that contains the WebWorK Links (note each instructor may name this folder somewhat differently).
  6. In that folder, click the link(s) to WebWorK (or WebWorK Homework Sets).
  7. You should be automatically logged into WeBWorK, and can close this window.